Consciously donating and helping | Brot für die Welt
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Consciously donating and helping

Many people depend on support when there is no social protection system or government aid.

  • It is difficult to treat beggars in the right way. Pay attention to whether locals give money, which is often the case in front of temples and mosques.

  • "Successful" begging children skip school. As a matter of principle, please don't give any money to children, even if it is difficult. Giving money means to maintain a vicious circle as the money often only benefits organised adult beggar gangs acting in the background.

  • Refrain from short-term voluntary service (so-called "Voluntourism") in schools and children's homes. You should leave it to local, educated professionals. More information can be found under

  • Rather support reputable Child Rights and development organisations. For example, get informed about their projects and/or support respective activities of Bread for the World by making a donation.
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