Welcome | Brot für die Welt
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"May the road rise up to meet you,
May the wind be always at your back.
May the sun shine warm upon your face,
The rains fall soft upon your fields.
And until we meet again,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand."
Old Irish blessing

We wish you smooth travels and relaxing holidays, in which you can be open to the destination and the people you are visiting. Since often it is all about the one-to-one encounters that generate long-lasting, beautiful memories. Like this, your journey may lead to a more conscious way of thinking and deeper understanding for other lifestyles and traditions.

While travelling to a foreign country, it is not only you who will see and experience new things. Being a tourist, you also impact a place - triggering emotions and the perceptions of the local population itself. Being open-minded and open-hearted about the country and its people will give you wonderful travel experiences - and contribute to positive tourism perspectives for your hosts, too.

On the following pages, we want to engage you in a conversation about the different impacts of tourism. Without pointing a moral finger, but by using a little sense of humor we provide a package full of practical hints and tips.



"Try to understand what appears strange to you when visiting foreign countries and people. If you don’t succeed, don’t blame others."
Family passport of the German Registration Office in Gelsenkirchen for Germany and abroad, 1955

  • © 2024 Brot für die Welt.