Travel information | Brot für die Welt
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Travel information

A good preparation will help you to understand the destination better – thus you will have more enriching experiences.

  • The more you know about your destination, the less likely you are going to hurt the feelings of locals.

  • Start the journey in your head! You can find information in guidebooks, specialised literature and documentaries on the radio, on television and on the Internet, like, and

  • Good guidebooks don't only describe tourist destinations and sights, but also people, their everyday lives, and their culture. You can also acquaint yourself with the current political situation, environmental issues and human rights. Local non-governmental organisations and international organisations often provide information on your destination in English.

  • You will get better insight into the lives and thoughts of people in different parts of the world by reading contemporary literature. More and more writers from developing countries are being translated.

  • Talk to people who know the country you want to travel to – such as people coming from these countries, who live and work among us now.
  • © 2024 Brot für die Welt.